Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mali is awesome

Hi guys!

Just a quick update, since Sabine is waiting to take the computer when I'm done...

Mali is awesome! Sometimes hugely frustrating, but in general really good so far.

- It took us 2 days to go 350km.
- We had to cancel going to Timbuktu because of the lengthiness and unreliability of transportation (our bus driver today went on strike, for example).
- It's really cold at night (like really really), and we weren't quite prepared.
- Mali is expensive.

- We actually made it here!
- We spent 2 days hiking in Pays dogon (please google this - it's cool) with our guide Samba.
- People are much nicer than in Benin.
- Mali is quite safe! Due to the bus strike, we actually had to hitch a ride for the last 15km into town - we weren't happy with this, but a nice French man helped us and explained that it's really not sketchy. And the people were nice! They dropped us right downtown in Mopti and wouldn't let us pay them.
- You can sleep on the roof of most hotels for 5-10$.
- We bought our visas for Mali in a tent. And the border people were nice.
- We took a bus ride that was soooooo dusty I actually changed colours! And then had to throw the shirt I had worn away because I couldn't clean it (it started to disintegrate because I rubbed it so hard while washing).

That's a quick summary. I hope you're all doing well!

love Katie