Friday, November 28, 2008


Ok, I'm hoping this works this time...  So far I haven't found internet that's fast enough to upload!  

Hmm, ok, nope.  This blog seems to reeeeeally not like pictures!

I've put them on facebook instead, and I think everyone can look.  I've taken more pictures since, but I haven't put them on my computer yet.  But soon, I promise!

What else should I update you on?  Work is picking up quite nicely, which is awesome.  I have about 50 million things to do next week, including writing a proposal for a good chunk of money and figuring out what a Logical Framework is (any ideas?).  And my weekend is looking good too!  Tonight my neighbours are coming for dinner again - there's some plan to cook a German dish that sounds something like 'kanoooooodle'.  I"m skeptical, but I'll try anything!  Tomorrow I have to work, as we have a gender-based violence event, and then there's softball in the afternoon.  In the evening I'm going to a concert by this very popular Congolese artist, and I'm ridiculously excited!  Sunday I'll probably have to work from home a bit, and then we're making German Christmas cookies and then yoga.  Many things!

And last night I went to this huge and awesome American Thanksgiving Dinner.  I ate a ridiculous amount of food, but it was wonderful!  I don't know where they found orange sweet potatoes here, or broccoli, but it was quite exciting.  And cheesecake!  I've never seen cream cheese either...  

So that's what's going on here.  I'm hugely hungry now so I think it's time to go home and eat dinner...  Weird German dinner.  Please send emails - I love reading about what's going on at home!

love Katie


david santos said...

I loved this work and this blog!

Dini said...

who's david santos?