Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Some pictures (I hope)

Hi all!

I've finally taken some pictures of Cotonou, and I'm hoping I'll be able to put them up on here. It'll be my mission for today at the office!

Things here are going pretty well. Work is still slow, but maybe picking up. I'm trying to make up my own projects, but it's difficult because there's not much budget and everyone here doesn't really have time to think about new things. I guess we'll see how things work out... Right now I'm reading about the Project Planning Cycle because I have to make a proposal for the projects I want to do next year!

And I've moved! I don't know if I already wrote about this... Probably. My roommate is very nice, though, and the house is pretty comfortable. The only problem with it is that there are fairly frequent water shortages... Yesterday it'd been 3 days with no water and all of our buckets were empty so I went to a freind's to take a shower. Benin is just to hot not to have running water!

I don't know what else to report on... I'll try to figure out how to put up pictures I think.

Hmm, no luck on the pictures. The internet isn't good enough here. I'll try on the weekend!

Love Katie

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